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About Us

Our Story

Our Story

The Maker’s Place is a diaper bank and Hope Center sponsored by United Methodists of Greater New Jersey. The Maker’s Place was launched in July 2018 with a broad vision: to become a resource center that connects neighbors with neighbors in diverse and inclusive community, by responding to the gifts and aspirations of people living in poverty.


Led by Rev. Michael Reed, the Maker’s Place began conducting hundreds of one-on-one conversations and asset-mapping in Trenton, using the methodology of asset-based community development. By December 2018, we had completed our collaborative project: a large-scale diaper drive, in partnership with nearly thirty United Methodist churches, including four Trenton-area churches.


Originally intended to collect 10,000 diapers for a community birthday party for one year-olds, the Maker’s Place collected 100,000 diapers during our first collection drive. With so many diapers left over, we launched what is now our flagship initiative: our “Diaper Depot,” a diaper distribution program that gives away thousands of free diapers each month to families who struggle to provide enough diapers for their children. 


The Maker’s Place continues to to collect and distribute diapers. We also continue to host birthday parties for one year-olds, as part of a collaborative community-based effort to address Trenton’s high infant mortality rate. As a growing resource center, we partner with local churches, non-profits, and community groups for broader community development initiatives. 


At present, we rent or borrow space for our diaper depot storage and operations at Trinity United Methodist Church in Ewing while we’re pioneering models for mobile or “pop-up” diaper distributions, to give away diapers at partner locations across the city of Trenton.


The Maker’s Place is a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to the city of Trenton. We are affiliated with A Future with Hope, and are members of the National Diaper Bank Network. We serve and partner with people of all faiths and none. We hope to see you soon!

We believe all people can be makers of better lives and communities; everyone has assets and aspirations to share. 

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Maker's Place exists to connect neighbors with neighbors, so that all God's children can experience life in abundant community.


Our Vision

We envision a community where every baby has adequate diapers; every child reaches their first birthday; every parent is connected to a network of mutual support; and every person is a maker in their own life and community.

We believe relationships are one of life's great assets—
relationships of hospitality, community, mutuality, and love.

Our Values

Radical Hospitality

We welcome everyone as a beloved child of God.


Abundant Community

Everyone has gifts to share; and everyone is called to be makers of better lives and communities.


Authentic Mutuality

We celebrate the strength that comes through diverse and inclusive partnerships.


Practical Divinity

As part of our Wesleyan heritage, we believe in putting love into action; true faith is put into practice through love of God and neighbor.






Covenant of Affirmation and Welcome

In covenant with God and with one another, the Maker’s Place affirms that all people are made in the image of God, and are of sacred worth and value. We offer our openness, acceptance, and support to all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, disability, immigration status, language, economic condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious identity. We unequivocally stand against hatred or violence against persons on these or any other basis.


Members of the LGBTQ+ community are affirmed and welcomed members of our Maker’s Place community, and are beloved children of God. As a faith-based organization, we support and affirm LGBTQ+ persons in all facets of lay and ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church and in our Maker’s Place community.


We believe in abundance over scarcity, inclusion over division, and collaboration over competition.

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