COVID-19 Policies
In order to maintain the health of our member families, volunteers, and staff, we are following the best-practices outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and the NJ Department State Office of Volunteerism.
Limiting Transmission: We ask that you refrain from volunteering and stay home if you...
Are feeling sick or someone in proximity to you is feeling sick.
Experienced symptoms that could be COVID 19 related in the last 14 days.
Been around anyone who has had COVID 19 in the last 14 days.
Traveled outside the United States in the last 14 days.
Been on a cruise or to the airport in the last 14 days
Physical Distancing: While volunteering, all volunteers will follow physical distancing practices, by maintaining six-foot spacing between other individuals at all times. Staff and volunteers will work with TMP families or other individuals to ensure they maintain physical distancing from those of a different household.
When bundling diapers indoors, staff and volunteers are encouraged to remain in separate rooms whenever possible, and to keep indoor spaces well ventilated.
Personal Protective Equipment: All staff and volunteers will wear proper PPE at all times while volunteering indoors and outdoors, including a mask (covering the mouth and nose) and any other recommendations that the CDC or NJ Department State Office of Volunteerism may require. Volunteers may also wear a face shield if desired.
Handwashing: Staff and volunteers are asked to wash their hands at frequent intervals, and to use proper hand-washing techniques (washing hands 20 seconds or more).
Sanitization: Before leaving a site, volunteers and staff will wipe down all surfaces and other high-touch areas (door handles, container bins, etc.) with a disinfectant solution.
These policies may be subject to change. Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe!