One of the earliest memories I have of my childhood was being a baby in cloth diapers. Although disposable diapers were a becoming trend back in the early 1960’s, for many low and moderate income families it was a privileged commodity. Sadly, but not uncommon, my parents were unable to afford that privilege . I vividly remember my own potty training season as my mother skillfully pinned diapers on me as I anxiously squirmed around trying to get away from her to go play. In retrospect, she had the patience of Job as she washed my diapers in a huge metal pail and hung them on an old hanging rack in the back yard to dry. She used huge yellow and blue diaper pins to keep them firmly secure on me… at least until the next accident!
While over the years disposable diapers have clearly become more of the norm, there are still many parents like mine who struggle with the affordability and sometimes have to make the tough choice of going without. The Maker’s Place continues to remain vigilant in our ongoing efforts to eradicate that concern. The need for resources increases with every year, and we are desperately trying to meet the need to ensure that no child goes without!
As the newly elected board chair (January 2022), it’s my greatest pleasure to welcome our new Executive Director Callie Crowder to the helm. Callie officially took over the role as executive director in April, but her commitment to the program is longstanding, and proven. Since her arrival as the Assistant Director in 2019, Callie has worked tirelessly to expand our reach across the community of Trenton and to connect with a wide range of individuals in need. We feel so blessed and are excited to have her lead The Maker’s Place into its promising future.
We are also excited to welcome Rev. Andi Semler to the team to serve as our Field Operations Specialist. Andi will begin officially in July, but has already joined us one day every week and behind the scenes to get to know the community and support our growing efforts.
Please keep The Maker’s Place in your thoughts and prayers during this exciting time! We would like to wish all of the mothers out there a happy and blessed Mother’s Day. We hope that The Maker’s Place has done something to make your experience brighter this year!
Prayerfully yours,
Rev. Gregory S. Smith
Board Chair
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