In the lead-up to Mother's Day, we’re highlighting the stories of local moms in our Maker’s Place community. When Callie Crowder (our Assistant Director) and I talked about amazing Maker's Place moms, Jai’lynn immediately came to mind for Callie. Here’s what she writes about Jai’lynn’s story...
"We all find inspiration from different places, but all of us can find inspiration from Jai’lynn, a hard-working Maker’s Place mom. Jai’lynn is newly married, and the mother of six—three biological children, plus three ‘bonus’ children by marriage. The kids range in age from one to thirteen. There’s always something going on in Jai’lynn’s house! Still, they make it work. She’s quick to tell me that, even though she works outside the home, not one of her children has attended daycare, thanks to a phenomenal support system from her extended family. It’s a point of pride for her, since, as the daughter of a strict but doting Haitian father, Jai’lynn believes her children should be raised with the security and tender love that family is especially able to provide.
"Motherhood isn’t always easy. Jai’lynn knows that from her relationship with her own mother, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She watched her mom struggle with day-to-day health challenges—challenges that meant that Jai'lynn's mother had to live apart from the rest of the family, while her father worked to keep things together. Still, no matter how difficult things got, her mother always managed to attend every school concert, pageant or special event in Jai'lynn's life. As Jai’lynn tells me about seeing her mother’s face in the audience, I can hear the warmth and love in her voice. That kind of determination is what motherhood is all about. It requires commitment and resilience to keep showing up for family, day after day. Yes, that’s what mothers do. Mothers persevere in the face of all kinds of adversity to give their children what they need."
This Mother’s Day, we’re inviting you to support Jai’lynn, and the hundreds of other mothers we work with through our diaper bank and family resource center. Make a donation in honor of a mom in your own life, and she’ll make a difference in the lives of other mothers right here in the Trenton area. We’ll even send a letter to your honoree in time for Mother’s Day, letting them know that a donation has been made in their honor.
Would you consider becoming part of our network of support? You can follow Jai’lynn’s example. She volunteers with us when she can, and refers other moms to us for help, because she believes in what we’re all about!
This Mother’s Day, help hardworking moms with the simple gift of diapers, and invest in the kind of abundant and inclusive community we’re building at the Maker’s Place. Click below to donate today.
Thanks for being a neighbor, near or far, and God bless,
Michael, Callie, and the Maker’s Place team
For Churches: Love Offering
Invite your congregation to celebrate Mother's Day with the Maker's Place by taking a special offering on May 9th for moms in Trenton. We'll have a video to play during your Sunday worship service, with a prayer for mothers by one of our Maker's Place moms. To learn more, click here.
Maker's Place Receives Grant!
The Maker's Place has received a $2,500 grant from the National Diaper Bank Network! The grant covers all costs for our "In Honor of Mom" campaign, and allow us to place advertisements in local media outlets. Thanks NDBN!
Read All About It!
You can invite your church or community group to join in! We've created a few flyers and pictures that can help you tell them all our Mother's Day fundraiser. Click here! Need something specific? Reply to this email and let us know