We’re continuing the good works of the Maker’s Place and introducing new ideas!
From one of our new Co-Directors, Alyssa Ruch:
After a very busy summer of distributing about 22,000 diapers in the month of June alone, I wanted to formally and officially introduce myself now that I have joined the Maker’s Place team! Most of you don’t know me, and that’s okay. I am new to the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, and I am new to the lovely state of New Jersey. I moved to New Jersey from Central Pennsylvania (and the Susquehanna Annual Conference) about four years ago to attend seminary at Drew Theological School. It was there that I met my husband, Rev. Jesse Ruch.
The important things that you should know about me are:
I am a certified Deacon candidate in The United Methodist Church which means I feel strongly about social justice matters, acting from a space of compassion, and building bridges based on equitable relationships with people of diverse backgrounds.
I am a certified movement chaplain. I have a heart for empathic listening and feel passionately about journeying alongside and with others as a way of offering emotional and spiritual accompaniment and support to people struggling in different areas of life and those working for social change.
I am a lifelong learner. I am committed to continuing to stretch myself to learn new things about people, organizations, and spaces.
Most importantly, I am committed to the mission and work of the Maker’s Place, “to seek out where God is already at work, and then help catalyze an abundant community for all God’s children, especially those living in economic poverty.”
I am excited to join the team alongside Callie Crowder (Co-Director) and Rev. Susan Victor (a United Methodist Deacon and the full-time Director of Counseling Services at Womanspace). Together, Callie and I continue to manage this growing organization, as we continue to add new programs, connect with new community members, and move into new spaces for ministry and social services. God is already at work within our midst, and new beginnings await! Keep an eye out for our National Diaper Need Awareness Week (9.27.21 – 10.3.21) and our table at the IGNITE Conference!
While I get my bearings in this new position, I invite you to reach out to me and introduce yourself, tell me why the Maker’s Place is important to you, or how the Maker’s Place has impacted your life. Send me an email at alyssaruch [at] makersplace.org. I want to hear from you as we continue on this journey toward abundant community together!
Let’s talk soon,
Alyssa Ruch